Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Affiliate Marketing With Google Adwords

One of the best kept secrets in today's affiliate marketingworld is the pay per click advertising version with GoogleAdWords. Adwords allows advertisers to place small ads onwebsites or on Google.com search result pages. You probablynoticed the little advertisements to the right on Google.com. In Affiliate Marketing you are promoting 3rd party products andin return you earn a share of a sale generated from yourmarketing efforts. We all have seen those little Amazon.combanners on different websites. These would be a very simpleform of affiliate marketing. More sophisticated versions arecomplete stores build around Amazon.com or based on data feedsfrom other vendors. In some cases the affiliate has to buildhis own website and store - in others there are white labelwebsite templates or pages available for the affiliate to workwith. Only when it comes to the actual sale the customer isredirected to the 3rd party vendor who carries the actualproduct. Not a new variant but a not very well-known version ofaffiliate marketing is the promotion of affiliate productlinks/websites via Google AdWords. The power of advertising onGoogle.com is combined with the affiliate link. The affiliatepartner does not need a website anymore, he directly links thecustomer to the 3rd party. With Google AdWords very targetedmarketing is possible and well-written ads equipped with theright keywords can bring in big bucks. All the affiliate has todo is to figure out which keywords are affordable to promote.And that's where secret to success is. Everyone can buy theexpensive and obvious keywords to promote products but when itcomes to affiliate success via PPC advertising (aka GoogleAdWords) the inexperienced marketing folks are being weeded outor are left with big holes in their pockets. Finding the rightcombination of keywords, target group, ad copy is the criticalpiece of the puzzle. Overall - affiliate marketing via PPC on Google or via Overture(competitor of Google AdWords) can be very lucrative and quite afew people are making a living of it. It sounds easy to do butto break into this field a new affiliate needs a lot of luck,big bucks or patience and knowledge.
Article Source:
http://www.ArticlePros.com/author.php?Christoph Puetz

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