Tuesday, June 30, 2009

What It Takes To Be a Super Affiliate Marketer?

Affiliate marketing is one of the most important business models on internet. According to the number of affiliates on Clickbank, there are more than 100,000 registered members. This number represents a highly competitive field for this particular business.Despite the existence of that many affiliate marketers struggling to have a little share of the market, only a 5% of them are earning enough money for a decent living and less than 1% are considered super affiliates with considerable earnings beyond the five figures per year.
So, the question is what it takes to become a super affiliate?
There are some common grounds on all of them:
1) Super affiliates have built an empire over the time by consistently growing a real state business. Normally they have at least one year in the internet business This only confirms that overnight riches or quick rich schemes do not really exist, as long as affiliate marketing is concerned. What it does exist is a consistent building of: a brand name, a building of search positioning for a website's most competitive keywords, a building of big lists and a costumer base and a good knowledge of the skills required to be successful on affiliate marketing. All of this has to be built over the time. Longevity in the business is very important.
2) The earnings of super affiliates do not depend on affiliate marketing only, but on different sources of income such as Adsense, membership sites and the sale of their own products. Perhaps affiliate marketing has been their initial source of income but as their knowledge and success have increased with the time, they have created their own products where part of their know-how is revealed. This knowledge is sold as information products either as digital or physical products.
3) Super affiliates have built an inner circle to help each other to leverage their businesses and to make them stand out over the rest of affiliate marketers.
4) They never fully reveal all the techniques actually being applied in their businesses on their information products. Normally information is sold in pieces in such a way that something is always left to be revealed in their next information product, even worse they tell you what to do but not how to do it . It is sad to say so but it's true. Normally their information products are crafted in such a way that the content is full of affiliates links to upsell their costumers and a great deal of their business proposal is based on the "promote my product and make money" scheme.As a conclusion, from my point of view, to become a super affiliate, it is required consistency, a clear target, commitment, mind focus, a personal coaching is highly advisable and above all, hunger for learning. This will make you separate good information from sales pitches and will keep you from purchasing unnecessary products.One final word. I have realized that many of the "hidden secrets" that are constantly hyped in the guru's sales letters are not such secrets. Normally they are resources and techniques already used by many marketers. After reading many different ebooks with "hidden secrets", they appear to be the same marketing techniques of public domain. There exist, of course, real information gems worth the money invested.Check the resource box below for a review of two of the top affiliates marketing information products being marketed by two super affiliates.
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